College of Idaho

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2112 Cleveland Blvd
Caldwell, ID 83605

According to the school, the College of Idaho is a place where you can complete your degree in four years, with a high job placement rate. If you plan to attend graduate school, The College of Idaho has a very positive record for acceptance and placement rates at some of the most reputable programs in the country. We offer small classes (11:1 student to faculty ratio), faculty who care about you as a person, internships, an academic calendar which encourages international travel, and opportunities to participate in community-based classes and projects. The College was recently ranked the 20th best college in the U.S. for “More Things to Do on Campus” by the Princeton Review and is regularly ranked in various publications as a top college in the Pacific Northwest. The College of Idaho’s location in “The Treasure Valley” allows for outdoor opportunities include skiing, hiking, climbing, rafting, kayaking, and exploring the desert. Located minutes from metropolitan Boise, the college is easily accessible by air or automobile.

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