Gallaudet University

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800 Florida Ave, NE
Washington, DC 20002

According to the school, the mission of Gallaudet University is to serve as a comprehensive, multipurpose institution of higher education for deaf and hard of hearing citizens of the United States and of the world. In addition to its undergraduate and graduate academic programs, the University also offers national demonstration elementary and secondary education programs. The University extends its activities to a worldwide audience through a network of regional centers, international agreements, and public service and advocacy efforts. Gallaudet University is the only liberal arts university in the world designed exclusively for deaf and hard of hearing students. Communication among faculty, staff, and students, whether in or out of the classroom, is through the use of both sign language and written and spoken English. As a result, students are able to participate fully in all aspects of campus life and thereby acquire the comprehensive education and experience that is the goal of a liberal arts education.

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