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B.S. in Behavioral Health Science with an Emphasis in Trauma
The Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Health Science with an Emphasis in Trauma degree program provides students with the foundation to enter the field as behavioral health technicians or specialists. You will acquire the skills and training to work within diverse settings, such as an inpatient, outpatient or residential clinic, as part of a clinical team. This behavioral health science program within the College of Humanities and Social Sciences offers a comprehensive study of the biopsychosocial impact of trauma and trauma-informed care. This program is also designed to reflect GCU’s Christian worldview with a focus on instilling Christian values, such as compassion and empathy, within coursework and the learning environment. You will complete this behavioral health degree program with a professional capstone project designed to reflect synthesis and integration of course content. The goal is to prepare a written proposal for a community-based behavioral health organization focusing on your specific area of interest.