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Master of Business Administration
The Medaille College MBA program addresses the two major dichotomies that the general manager or business executive must engage: the business itself and the organization that conducts that business. The MBA develops proficiencies not only in strategic thinking, decision making, and the functional areas of any business but also in the leadership and organizational behavior aspects of optimizing the greatest resource and organization has – the right people.
The MBA has a broad range of quantitative courses that address the accounting and financial competencies any general manager type must have along with courses in economics, statistics, marketing, and global business. The last two courses is strategic management and the Integrative Project prepare the student to think strategically about the various levels of the thinking that goes on in any organization and to actually create a business concept, develop a feasibility plan, and then write a full-blown business plan. The Medaille MBA students have had the opportunity to work with many Western New York real-life businesses in either a start up or expansion plan partnership. Our students have worked with Rocco Termini and Mark Croce just to name a few of the prominent Buffalo business leaders with whom our students have had the opportunity to learn. Our students have found this experience priceless!
The MBA also addresses the organization that conducts the business in its courses on management and leadership, organizational behavior and transformation, and human resource management. The process of acquiring, educating, and transforming the right people into a high performance and continually learning is an organization’s greatest challenge. As the mechanical model of the world continually is diminished in its relevance to producing highly committed rather than simply compliant organizations, the new model of a people-oriented system continually gains momentum. The Medaille MBA’s qualitative courses look at ways to optimize the ingenuity, creativity, and innovative character of an organization that is well led and always in the process of becoming. This leads to an organization that is consistently dynamic and self-organizing in nature, and leaderful persona.
MBA Program Goals
• To develop proficiency in evaluating business decisions and courses of action.
• To develop competence in strategic analysis and decision-making.
• To develop a broad range of executive leadership skills.
• To enhance the quantitative and qualitative skills needed to compete in a global economy.
• To broaden and improve the level of functional business skills.
• To cultivate in each student a sense of purpose and ethical responsibility.
• To develop the interpersonal skills necessary for effective participation in workplace teams and groups.
MBA 532X Management and Leadership
MBA 533X Financial Accounting
MBA 635X Organizational Development and Transformation
MBA 664X Economics for Global Business
MBA 534X Business Statistics for Decision Making
MBA 636X Strategic Human Resource Management
MBA 662X Finance for Managers
MBA 663X Marketing in an E-World
MBA 665X Accounting for Planning and Control
MBA 667X Global Business
MBA 668X Strategic Planning and Leadership
MBA 675X Integrative Project: Analysis and Synthesis