United States Military Academy
West Point
Since its founding over two centuries ago, the Military Academy has accomplished its mission by developing cadets in four critical areas: intellectual, physical, military, and moral-ethical – a 47 month process called the West Point Experience. The academic curriculum has 35 Majors and Fields of Study that strengthen cadets’ historical perspective, cultivate their cultural understanding, structure their military training and leader development. The curriculum draws upon three distinct programs academic, military, and physical. The strengths of the Academic Program at West Point are small class sizes, a dedicated and highly engaged faculty, and innovative educational practices. Military development is a key component of the curriculum. Cadets are immersed from day one in a military environment where they are organized in companies, serve and are evaluated in leadership positions within the Corps of Cadets. The heart of the military training takes place during the summer, with new cadets undergoing Cadet Basic Training – or Beast Barracks – the first year, followed by Cadet Field Training at nearby Camp Buckner the second year. Cadets spend their third and fourth summers participating in Individual Advanced Development (IAD) opportunities serving in active Army units around the world; attending advanced training courses such as airborne, air assault or northern warfare; or training the first and second year cadets as members of the leadership cadre. Also, very popular among cadets are academic IADs, similar to internships students at civilian colleges might participate in. Some academic IADs include duty with the Supreme Court, Crossroads to Africa, NASA, and the National laboratories. The physical education curriculum spans the four years, with cadets required to take core courses in military movement techniques, boxing, combatives, survival swimming, and personal/unit physical fitness. West Point cadets also receive graded assessments on two physical fitness tests, both of which also contribute to a cadet’s class standing. Every cadet at the Academy participates in competitive sports throughout the academic year; some compete at the varsity level of intercollegiate athletics while others are challenged at the intercollegiate club level or in West Point’s company athletics program. West Point has 25 NCAA Division I intercollegiate teams. The competitive club athletics program at West Point is recognized as one of the premier club programs in the Nation. The cadet company athletics program has a Fall and a Spring Season with six sports offered each season. In addition to sports, there are numerous other activities for cadets to enjoy. For instance, there are over 100 recreational clubs available to cadets and many social activities. There is an on-post movie theater, frequent dances, a golf course, a ski slope, a bowling alley, access to the Hudson River, and tailgates. Along with developing academically, physically, and militarily, our graduates develop in other ways as part of their preparation to lead this nation’s soldiers. Ethical, spiritual, and social development occurs formally and informally throughout the 47 month experience. These include formal instruction in the important values of the military profession, voluntary religious programs, interaction with staff and faculty role models, and a vigorous guest speaker program. Cadets also develop ethically by adhering to the Cadet Honor Code, which states, A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do. The final accomplishment is not only graduation, but a commission into the United States Army as a 2nd lieutenant, fully ready to serve the Nation for five years on active duty followed by three years in the U.S. Army Reserves.
Key Data
School Type: | Campus |
Degrees Offered: |
Student Life | |
Enrolled Students: | 4,621 |
Student to Faculty Ratio: | 11 to 1 |
Annual Cost | |
In State Tuition: | $0 |
Out of State Tuition | $0 |
Books and Supplies | $0 |
Students with Financial aid:** | 0% |
- ** Refers to % of students receiving some form of financial aid
United States Military Academy
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