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University Station
Grand Forks, ND 58202

According to the school, UND enrolls 14,194 students from every state and more than 50 nations, and offers 218 fields of study, including bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, law, and medical degrees, as well as the MBA. Known for its programs in medicine, aerospace, nursing, engineering, business, the arts, and more, UND remains true to its 1883 original vision as a university with a strong liberal arts foundation surrounded by professional and specialized programs. Globally respected faculty create a well-rounded, balanced education that fosters superior critical thinking and communication skills. It is located in Grand Forks, a classic college town of 50,000, just hours from Minneapolis and Winnipeg.\r\n\r\nUND’s student-centered approach helps students succeed, with top-notch faculty, advisors, and student services. You can join one of nearly 300 student organizations, take part in service-oriented learning and internships, study abroad, conduct research with professors, and enjoy living and learning. One of the best Wellness Centers ( ) in the nation, Division I athletics ( ), including the finest collegiate hockey venue in the nation, and lots of activities help students stay engaged and active. Students take part in projects that have ranged from building a spacesuit prototype, a hydrogen-powered car, write and produce a magazine, and AgCam, which has been launched on the International Space Station.

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