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Southern Branch Post Office
Baton Rouge, LA 70813

According to the school, Southern University is a comprehensive institution providing four-year baccalaureate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs. The campus is part of the only historically black land-grant university system in the United States. The University offers 58 bachelor’s, 26 master’s, two post masters certificates, six doctorates , and one associate degree program. Year-to-year, an average 9,000 students are enrolled at Southern University, Baton Rouge. More African-American graduates, together, in engineering, technology, computer science, and mathematics have earned their degrees from Southern University than from any other university in America. The University’s School of Nursing has ranked among the nation’s best based on student passage of the N-CLEX, a nursing certification exam. The school is a hub for local, state, and national health outreach through its ‘Jag Mobile’, a state-of-the art mobile health van that travels to inner city and rural areas.

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