New Hampshire Colleges

Find colleges and universities in New Hampshire

New Hampshire offers a variety of educational options including public universities, community colleges, and other private institutions. Click a school logo to learn more about its history as a college, accreditation status, student population, tuition cost, program listings, and even social network presence. If you want to learn more, click the 'Request Info' button to get free information!

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30 Schools in New Hampshire

Number of
Michaels School of Hair Design and Esthetics-Paul Mitchell Partner School Bedford 4 ** 141 Request Info >
White Mountains Community College Berlin 37 $6,707 985 Request Info >
River Valley Community College Claremont 31 $6,136 1,012 Request Info >
Franklin Pierce Law Center Concord 4 $0 470 Request Info >
Granite State College Concord 19 $6,195 1,742 Request Info >
NHTI Concord 56 $6,496 4,127 Request Info >
University of New Hampshire Durham, Manchester 165 $12,743 15,311 Request Info >
Dartmouth College Hanover 93 $38,679 5,997 Request Info >
Continental Academie of Hair Design Hudson, Manchester 1 ** 85 Request Info >
New Hampshire Institute for Therapeutic Arts Hudson 1 ** 45 Request Info >
Keene Beauty Academy Keene 2 ** 46 Request Info >
Keene State College Keene 83 $9,334 5,356 Request Info >
Lakes Region Community College Laconia 49 $6,066 1,171 Request Info >
Lebanon College Lebanon 24 $8,943 278 Request Info >
Upper Valley Educators Institute Lebanon 14 $0 53 Request Info >
Manchester Community College Manchester 36 $3,200 7,366 Request Info >
New Hampshire Institute of Art Manchester 1 $17,130 436 Request Info >
Saint Anselm College Manchester 29 $30,515 1,915 Request Info >
Thomas More College of Liberal Arts Merrimack 3 $14,500 64 Request Info >
Daniel Webster College Nashua 27 $28,615 930 Request Info >
Nashua Community College Nashua 48 $6,368 2,178 Request Info >
Rivier College Nashua 56 $23,965 2,256 Request Info >
Antioch University Keene 19 $22,868 697 Request Info >
Colby-Sawyer College New London 21 $31,090 1,119 Request Info >
Southern New Hampshire University Online 211 ** ** Request Info >
Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) Online 212 ** ** Request Info >
Plymouth State University Plymouth 80 $8,944 6,060 Request Info >
Great Bay Community College Portsmouth 27 $6,016 1,850 Request Info >
Portsmouth Beauty School of Hair Design Portsmouth 1 ** 30 Request Info >
Magdalen College Warner 2 $14,200 70 Request Info >