Some College in Graphic / Visual Arts

Career summary: Graphic Designers

Average Salary


National Average, Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Career Outlook


3% job growth by 2028, which is below average

Earn a degree in graphic / visual arts from an accredited college

One of the best ways to prepare for a career in graphic / visual arts is through a college education. A Some College will help you develop entry level skills, general graphic / visual arts know how and the basic graphic / visual arts experience you need to start your career off right. You may also consider a Diploma in Graphic / Visual Arts to help you take your education and career to the next level. Please select graphic / visual arts school below.


Graphic visual arts original

Why would I want a degree in Graphic/Visual Arts?

The graphic arts are an incredibly fast-growing field with ever-increasing types of jobs to do. Graphic artists have an opportunity to see rough ideas become well-known logos, brands, advertising campaigns, and even TV shows and movies. Working in the graphic arts field opens the door to working on teams or on your own to take words and make them into something that will communicate much more powerfully than the words themselves.

Job Description

What kinds of jobs could I get with a degree in Graphic/Visual Arts?

The possibilities here are very broad. Graphic artists are found in almost every company. They work for advertisers, colleges and universities, as web designers, and at magazines and television companies. They work as art directors as well, overseeing all of the design that happens in a company and coordinating work in different departments. Graphic artists also work as brand and logo designers, layout artists, technical illustrators, and photo editors.

5 Common Careers:

  • Graphic Designer
  • Multimedia Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Publications Designer
  • Art Director


What skills do I need to become a Graphic/Visual Artist?

While these skills will be added upon and developed further as a student, it’s good to have the basics down before you get started. Graphic Designers need to be able to communicate ideas graphically, whether the ideas are their own or those of their employers. They should know how to arrange pictures and typography to enhance written messages and/or use in promotional materials or advertisements. They should also be able to interpret rough ideas or sketches into artwork and evaluate the products throughout the process, making aesthetic choices.

Career Outlook

What classes will I take to get a degree Graphic/Visual Arts?

You will take classes such as Graphic and Industrial Design Fundamentals, Graphic Design Theory and Practice, Graphic Design Studios, Imaging for Graphic Design, Typography, Special Topics in Graphic Design, History of Graphic Design, Advanced Graphic Design Studio, Micro-computers in Graphic Design, and Branding.

Career Path

How do I become a Graphic/Visual Artist?

Many high schools offer courses in graphic design, and more and more people are learning graphic arts on their own. But still, a degree in graphic and visual arts is the best place to get a start and get your foot in the door for graphic design jobs. As a graphic arts student, you will learn all of the different aspects of design, from the theoretical and historical to the visual and technical. You will also gain valuable experience in branding and typography, as well. Once you’re in your last year or two of school, internships are key. This is where you’ll gain real-life experience as a graphic artist, learning everything from paper and printer types to how to work with printing company representatives and creative teams.

Salary and career outlook data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Learning Format



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