"Online MBA programs": and business degrees in accounting, business administration, business management, finance, marketing and more from accredited online universities and schools.

What is Business?
Business is a phenomenon that extends to all corners of the globe. Business often refers to commercial enterprise, profession, or trade conducted for the purpose of earning a profit by providing a product or service. As such, there are countless types of businesses and ways in which to classify them.
Business can stem anywhere from retail sales, real estate investing, manufacturing, and agriculture to finance, banking, marketing, and management. The options are virtually limitless and provide a myriad of opportunities for occupations and careers.
Business Degrees
Job training, internships, and skill sets are all helpful in obtaining the proper instruction and the know-how to prepare you for the business world. However, one of the most popular and conventional methods to finding a career in a business related field is by acquiring a good education.
The opportunities for an education in business are no longer limited to brick and mortar colleges and universities. Business schools and programs can now be found anywhere there is an Internet connection, making it accessible to just about everyone.
Despite the fact that it isn’t required to earn a degree or certification to enter into the business world, if it is your desire to climb up the corporate latter you will find that a business degree is invaluable towards reaching that goal. You can earn anything from a business certificate, stating that you are well qualified in a certain area of expertise, to a MBA (Masters of Business Administration), giving you the skill sets to manage and run business operations in a given company, allowing you growth within the company and higher salary earning capability.
Job Opportunities in Business
Business degree programs vary in area and scope. Job opportunities from related business degrees include accounting, administration, finance, human resources, hospitality, management, marketing, public relations, sales, tourism and more. And although job placement may be competitive, an education in the business realm will prove to be most valuable in giving you the upper hand on edging out that competition.
One example of the pace at which business careers are taking off can be seen in the accounting field. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in accounting and auditing is calculated to grow by 26 percent within the next seven years. Not only is this one of the most rapidly expanding industries in the business sphere, but it is also providing a framework for more jobs.